Family of Freemasonry
A Brief Compendium of the Family of Freemasonry Masonry is composed of several layers of membership. At its base are the three degrees of craft or “Blue Lodge” Freemasonry. The fraternity looks to these three degrees as being the highest attainable, as all of the lessons of the fraternity can be found within them. But that has not precluded the development of the larger body, often referred to as the “family” of Freemasonry. This illustration depicts the entry and progression of the fraternity.
To the young mason, and to the non-mason, the various degrees and bodies may seem many and confusing, but upon careful examination and exploration, their roles and function will become clear. Like stepping-stones to the fraternity at the foundational level of Freemasonry there are several Masonic youth groups. These groups also provide a means to enhance the family experience in Freemasonry, as parents are often participants and supporters along with their younger children. The purpose of these groups is to nurture adolescents and their sense of community and involvement. These youth groups are: Rainbow Girls Job’s Daughters DeMolay The next step at the foundation is: Blue Lodge Freemasonry This is marked by three degrees or steps, which are: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason The 3rd Degree, that of the Master Mason, is the “highest” degree the can be given in all of Freemasonry. In the U.S. each state governs its own recognitions, actions and degrees. Each state is made up of its own local individualized “lodges” which are its principal meeting halls. An equal body of Regular Freemasonry for women is the Order of the Eastern Star (O.E.S.) Following the first three degrees of Freemasonry are additional bodies that provide further knowledge and insight to the tradition, building on the original three. These organizations split into two directions, whose teachings are slightly differently, but inherently teach the same message. The two bodies are: The York Rite The Scottish Rite, Northern jurisdiction The Scottish Rite is split into two bodies in the continental United States, again teaching slightly different disciplines. Within these systems are a conglomeration of additional degrees that offer further insight and philosophy. Following this second step is a third, which has a slightly different focus, called: Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine or A.A.O.N.M.S. After these main bodies, there are ancillary groups of Freemasons who have come together to form additional clubs. These are on the national level and meet with regularity in a variety of locations. These additional Bodies in the family of Freemasonry include: Grotto Sojourners High Twelve Amaranth Tall Cedars White Shrine of Jerusalem Daughters of the Nile SCIOTS SRICF Red Cross of Constantine Allied Masonic Degrees – A.M.D. But this is just part of the picture of Freemasonry in America. With so many “regular” organizations, there exist several outside of that sphere of recognition. This lack of recognition does not reflect necessarily on who they are or what they do, rather it is often a matter of procedural or policy. In many ways great strides are being made to establish recognition and build bonds, rather than breaking them down. “Irregular” Masonic bodies: Co-Freemasonry / Le Droit Humaine Prince Hall Freemasonry Rites of Memphis Misraim Of important note, Prince Hall Freemasonry is recognized by many states in America, but is still considered by others to be “clandestine”, which means they see it as irregular not allowing involvement in events with one another.
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