The Philalethes Society and the Philalethes Journal of Masonic Research and Letters.


Tall Cedars of Lebanon



Tall Cedars of Lebanon

Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America is an appendant Masonic organization devoted to fostering friendship and fellowship among Freemasons and to all mankind.

We are over 13,000 members with an unyielding commitment to provide a “place in the sun” for those many thousands of victims of neuromuscular diseases who, through their own means, may not be able to share and enjoy the experiences of life that we so often are able to take for granted.

Membership into the Tall Cedars is open to all Master Masons in good standing.


To promote a stronger bond with ALL Freemasons and to further the goals and tenets of Freemasonry

To find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy and neuromuscular diseases.

To recognize mans’ need for fun and relaxation among his family, friends and neighbors.


” Fun Frolic & Fellowship”

We offer every Master Mason an opportunity to enjoy a fuller more enriching life.

© ya-masonic

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